Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New Content from Liquid Health

http://www.liquidhealthinc.com/node/126 What you should know about folic acid
deficiency Folic acid (sometimes called folate) is one of the popular B
vitamins, specifically Vitamin B9. Its main function is in the production of
red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells are necessary in the transport
of oxygen in your body. While we all need folic acid, ladies who are
pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, especially need it. Despite the fact
that it is rare, there are signs you can watch for and things you can do to
try and prevent developing a folic acid deficiency [1]. One of the ways to
try and prevent having a /folic acid deficiency/ is trying to eat foods that
provide a lot of folate. Foods that offer the highest levels of folate
include: beans and legumes, citrus fruits and juices, dark green leafy
vegetables, liver, poultry, pork, and shellfish and wheat bran and other
whole grains. In addition, many cereals have added folic acid, some even
offering 100% of your daily recommended intake in each serving. You can also
consider taking a folic acid supplement if you feel your diet alone will not
provide you with enough of this necessary nutrient. The recommended daily
amount of folic acid for adults over 13 years is 400 mcg. Pregnant women
should get 600 mcg and breast-feeding women should get 500 mcg each day. Some
medications can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb folic acid.
Additionally, your body may require a higher than normal amount of folic acid
if you suffer from certain medical conditions, such as sickle cell disease.
Another reason you may be open to having a *folic acid deficiency* is if your
body has a harder time absorbing folic acid. Things that may affect your
ability to absorb folic acid include having severe kidney problems or
ingesting large quantities of alcohol. Signs indicating you may have low
levels of folic acid that you should watch out for include feeling weak,
tired or lightheaded, becoming forgetful, sudden loss of appetite accompanied
by weight loss, having trouble concentrating and feeling overly grouchy. Low
levels of folic acid can also cause: gray hair, mouth sores (ulcers), poor
growth and a swollen tongue. Determining whether or not you have a folic acid
deficiency can be done with a simple blood test. Your doctor may also test
your levels of Vitamin B12 at the same time. Having low levels of either of
these vitamins can exhibit the same symptoms. If you are concerned about your
folic acid levels, you should consult your doctor. Image found here [2]

[1] http://www.liquidhealthinc.com/
[2] http://collectionarea.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Folic-Acid.jpghttp://liquidhealth.posterous.com/new-content-from-liquid-health-39704 http://www.liquidhealthinc.com/node/126 What you should know about folic acid deficiency Folic acid (sometimes called folate) is one of the popular B vitamins, specifically Vitamin B9. Its main function is in the production of red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells are necessary in the transpo ... http://liquidhealth.posterous.com

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