To a rockhound, the word mineral is generally thought to mean a hard substance that some would call a rock, although a rock is a combination of minerals. A mineral is naturally occurring, inorganic, has a defined chemical structure, and has an internal crystalline composition unique to the mineral.

Gold is a mineral, one of about 2,000-plus known minerals, although all but about 100 are rare.

Gold is also an element, one of about 100 chemical substances each with an atomic structure of one kind of atom, and given a symbol, such as gold being "Au". These elements, listed in the Periodic Table of the Elements, either singly or in combination, constitute all matter.

Most people are familiar with quartz crystals, those shiny six-sided jewel-like treasures processed by nature. They consist of two elements; silicon and oxygen (SiO2). Silicon (Si) is the most abundant element on Earth other than oxygen (O), and is part of many rock combinations such as granite. I review this with you because some of these hard substances in the field are liquified inside mankind.

I happened to look at the supplement facts on my new bottle of vitamins, and in addition to vitamins, 16 dietary minerals were included. "Minerals!" I exclaimed, "Isn't that the rocky stuff I collect on the deserts?" Even though diluted to powder in vitamins, the iron, calcium, zinc, copper, chromium, nickel and silicon that I have found in rocks are usually large and hard. Now why would we need minerals in our

watery systems? I understand 16 chemical elements are required by man or we drop back into a heap of dust.

Man is a walking bag of water and minerals, and oddly, water is also a mineral (H2O) with ice being its crystal form. All those minerals, elements, chemicals and future body parts were at one time swirling around in volcanic vortexes until that gob cooled and hardened into the world we know.

I accept the wisdom of that creation, and honor the body I temporarily occupy, now using it to search around for evidence of the past and write strange stories about things on Earth. It is fascinating to find an agate gemstone that has undergone the changes to advance from liquid to solid, and able to delight the aesthetical deliberations of those who in the love of nature hold communion with her visible forms.

I look at that list on the vitamin bottle, and see molybdenum. Although this uncommon, blackish mineral with a greasy feel like graphite is soft, one of its uses is in an alloy for high-strength steel. It helps in the conversion of copper for use in living systems, and it is found as a trace in tomatoes, onions and carrots. Now, didn't you want to know that? Molybdenum is in you.

Although the element carbon is one of the major dietary minerals (major dietary elements are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, oxygen, potassium, sodium, zinc and iodine), carbon is a Jekyll and Hyde, creating diamonds when the atoms interlock, and graphite when atoms align in flat order ... from diamond hardness of 10 to graphite softness of 1. At least, diamonds and graphite forms of carbon are not in the human system, although gold is sometimes injected for arthritic problems, or used to fill tooth cavities. Coal and oil are also carbon, but organic and thus not a mineral.

You can forget all of that mysterious mathematical mineral misery when you're on the Mojave, stalking the elusive agate and petrified camel bone. Or when you're in Nevada's Wilson Canyon searching for prehistoric green rock-wood sticking out of the walls. Or when you're struggling to the Sonora summit saddle to stalk the jasper gems on the high slope.

Elements may lurk behind the scenes in atomic regularity, but for a little while, you are face to face with simply the visible forms on Earth and the splendid beauty of rock formations in the wild.

The whole wilderness seems to be alive and familiar, full of humanity.

The very stones seem talkative, sympathetic, brotherly.

But wheresoever we may venture to go in all this good world, nature is found richer and more beautiful than she seems ...

Amply sufficient throughout the barest deserts for a clear manifestation of God's love.

â€" John Muir

Rex Burress is a retired naturalist, photographer and artist who lives in Oroville.

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