Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Content from Liquid Health

http://www.liquidhealthinc.com/node/131 Spotlight: Immune Balance 365 As
summer winds down and the school year starts, we head into the time of year
lots of us have come to dread: Cold and Flu Season. It’s the time of year
when people start looking for natural cold remedies or ways to decrease the
length of a cold once it hits. What if there was a way to maintain a healthy
immune system so it could quickly fight off a cold when it attacks? This
week’s product spotlight can do just that, it is Liquid Health’s Immune
Balance 365. The way Liquid Health’s Immune Balance 365 works is by keeping
a steady stream of vitamins, minerals and nutrients flowing through your
body. This keeps your immune system balanced, rather than trying to give it a
boost when you need it to work. Maintaining a /healthy immune system/ is one
of the best things we can do to avoid getting sick when everyone around us is
coming down with colds. The combination of ingredients in Liquid Health’s
Immune Balance 365 can do just this. One of the main ingredients in this
product is Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb that is considered an
Adaptogen. Adaptogens are known to help our bodies deal better with stress.
According to Edward C. Wallace, N.D., D.C. “An adaptogenic substance is one
that demonstrates a nonspecific enhancement of the body's ability to resist a
stressor.” Stress is one of the leading precursors to getting sick. When
our body is stressed our normally *healthy immune system* is not able to
function at its highest level, leaving us susceptible to catching a cold.
Immune Balance 365 also includes Vitamins C, D and E, as well as a
proprietary blend of NutraFlora® ScFOS prebiotic blend, Elderberry juice,
Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) leaf extract, Stevia leaf extract,
Rhodiola rosea root extract. Because of the natural nature of this product,
it is safe to take every day, not just during the times you think you might
get sick. Sustaining a healthy immune system [1] is something to consider
every day, not just when you feel the first symptoms of that cold that’s
been going around. Catching a cold is something we can avoid by keeping our
bodies healthy and strong so they can fight off germs, infections and viruses
when they hit.

[1] http://www.liquidhealthinc.com/immune-system-supplementhttp://liquidhealth.posterous.com/new-content-from-liquid-health-62698 http://www.liquidhealthinc.com/node/131 Spotlight: Immune Balance 365 As summer winds down and the school year starts, we head into the time of year lots of us have come to dread: Cold and Flu Season. It’s the time of year when people start looking for natural cold remedies or ways to decrease the l ... http://liquidhealth.posterous.com

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