Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting Healthy by Starting with the Basics - The State Journal-Register (blog)

There is rarely a day that goes by that I don’t have at least one person ask me about the latest weight loss fad or newest weight loss supplement or hot on the market transformation secret. In response to 99% of these questions I ask the following questions... with the corresponding answers also appearing 90+% of the time.

1. Do you drink adequate amounts of water ? ? ?  (NO)
2. Is your diet in check ? ? ? (NO)
3. Do you take a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement ? ? ? (NO)

Your body is designed to function properly on certain levels of water, vitamins, and minerals every day and if you are not drinking adequate amounts of water, and your diet is not in check, and you are not taking a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement how do you expect your body to both look and perform they way you desire? Sometimes there is no secret behind what you seek and it is not as difficult as it may appear to be. I start the day with core nutrition by taking AdvoCare COREPLEX Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Supplement. It’s the basics...and everything starts with the basics.  

My challenge for you is to make question 1, 2, and 3 a YES and then if after 3 months you are still not headed in the direction you want, look further. Start building YOU from the ground up with a strong foundation. 

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