Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Content from Liquid Health Sarah’s best products to lose
weight: part 2! So last week I shared a couple of my favorite and best
products to lose weight [1]. The things I talked about dealt specifically
with diet and exercise (the 9” dinner plate and good quality work out
shoes) – this week I’m going to continue my list with a few items that I
feel will greatly aid someone who’s looking to use a healthy diet and
workout routine to lose weight. I’ve learned (the hard way) that there are
no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss, and the times I’ve seen the
most success is when I’ve made a real effort to change my lifestyle.
Granted, changing your lifestyle can take your whole life, and there are bad
days and good days, but if you are consistently putting in the effort to make
the right choices when it comes to diet and exercise, you’ll see the
results in the end. People always say one of the keys to losing weight is
tracking what you eat. I’ve done this a number of ways from a notebook in
my purse to online food diaries. Those things have always worked for me in
short bursts. The thing I’ve recently found to be the most helpful is an
activity tracker. It tracks my daily activity and then calculates my daily
allotted calories based on that activity. Then I have an online account that
logs my activity and calories allowed, I plug in the food I eat and it tells
me how many calories I have left for the day! It’s really cool! Now, there
are many different options of activity trackers on the market (for a variety
of prices) so do your research and see what would be best for you. You could
get something as simple as a pedometer to count your steps and then figure
out how many calories you’re burning based on that. The one I currently use
doesn’t include a heart rate monitor, like some of the more fancy ones, so
the calculated calories are an estimate based on my height, weight and age.
While I realize it’s not 100% precise, I have been losing weight more
consistently since using it then I was on my own. That makes it one of my
/best products to lose weight/! The last thing I’ll talk about in regards
to my *best products to lose weight* is my supplement regimen. The
supplements I’m currently taking to aid in my weight loss efforts are our
Opti-Glucosamine, Raspberry Ketones and African Mango XD. I’ve always had
really bad knees; I think it goes back to my years of playing soccer growing
up. Anytime I start consistently working out I start having stiff, achy and
painful knees. This time around I decided to start taking the
Opti-Glucosamine right away, instead of waiting for the pain to come first,
and it’s been much more tolerable. There are still times when my knees are
stiff (usually first thing in the morning) but my overall movement and
ability is much better then in times past. The other two supplements I’m
taking are specifically intended to aid in weight loss. Raspberry Ketones
have been found to help burn fat and African Mango is meant to help suppress
a person’s appetite. It’s hard to say if any of these individual pieces
is more important to my weight loss puzzle, but for now it doesn’t matter!
As long as I’m seeing results, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. It can
be hard testing and trying different things to find out what works for you,
but when you learn what your best products to lose weight it can be such a
relief. Weight loss can be a lifetime journey for many people. Lots of things
can affect your weight: age, stress, injury, etc. so don’t get too down on
yourself if the weight starts creeping back on, just remember what worked for
you before and stick to it! If you really feel like you’re doing all you
can and the weight still isn’t coming off, talk to you doctor to see if
there’s something he or she can do to help! Eat less, move more and be
consistent! Good luck!

[1] Sarah’s best products to lose weight: part 2! So last week I shared a couple of my favorite and best products to lose weight [1]. The things I talked about dealt specifically with diet and exercise (the 9” dinner plate and good quality work out shoes) – this w ...

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