Monday, September 24, 2012

New Content from Liquid Health The Best Products to Lose Weight:
Sarah’s formula for success Losing weight is one of the most popular topics
on the web. People especially want to know the best products to lose weight
[1]. I know I’ve talked about this before, but this time I’m going to
make it a little more personal. As a mom of two little ones (both under the
age of 3), I’ll be honest when I say it’s been a challenge to get back to
my “pre-baby” weight. I’ve always been someone who struggled with
weight loss, so adding on the additional weight from being pregnant has made
my journey that my harder. I’ve tried a lot of things and have only
recently been seeing consistent results, so I’ve decided to share with you
my “formula” for weight loss success. The first thing I’ll share, that
I completely believe in, is the 9” dinner plate. You may be wondering how a
plate can possibly be one of the /best products to lose weight/, but it has
really made a difference for me. The simple fact that I can fit less food on
my plate forces me to eat less. Then by the time I’ve cleared my plate, I
realize I’m not hungry anymore and stop eating. I’m sure I’ve saving
myself hundreds of calories each time I use the smaller plate. In addition to
the smaller plate I’ve also really tried to follow the “my plate”
format which basically tells us that half our plate should be
fruits/vegetables and then ¼ protein and ¼ grains. The next piece of my
weight loss puzzle is high quality work out shoes. I’ve always purchased
cheap work out shoes and never really realized what I was missing out on
until I decided to “splurge” on a nice pair of running shoes. The shoes I
bought (on clearance) were easily twice what I’ve ever paid for a pair of
shoes in my life, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything! I’ll follow
this up by saying: I’m not an avid or even moderate runner. I mostly wear
these shoes for walking with a group of girlfriends (all pushing our
strollers) or running on the elliptical. I had to ask friends who are big
runners for help in deciding what to get, and despite this I would still
consider these one of my *best products to lose weight* and here’s why. The
other day I couldn’t find my new shoes (I suspected my 2 year old hid them)
and put on my old, cheap shoes instead, thinking it wouldn’t make a
difference. Boy was I wrong! After taking 2 steps, I took them off and
decided to work out after I found my good shoes. So they make the list since
I won’t work out without them! Anything that makes you want to work out (a
great song or workout video, for example) or you can’t imagine working out
without (like the right shoes!) is one of the best products for YOU to lose
weight! Check back next week and I’ll share the rest of my list of the best
products to lose weight! Images found here [2] and here [3]

[3] The Best Products to Lose Weight: Sarah’s formula for success Losing weight is one of the most popular topics on the web. People especially want to know the best products to lose weight [1]. I know I’ve talked about this before, but this time I’m going to make ...

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