Many believe that vitamin B12 injections promote energy. It's not surprising therefore that everyday patients come and ask for a shot of this red liquid containing cyanocobalimin or vitamin b12: Help or hype?
Adequate amounts of B12 are essential for good health. Cells won't function normally without it. Severe deficiencies can lead to a condition called pernicious anemia. The most common symptom being profound fatigue and a lack of energy. You can also experience memory loss, gait and balance issues, behavioral changes, and difficulties absorbing food. But when B12 is replaced in the body patients feel better almost over night.
So perhaps it's no wonder that many patients and doctors alike began to believe that taking extra B12 would boost energy even if there was no deficiency. Some even claim it promotes weight loss. Unfortunately there is zero evidence to support that belief. Because it's water soluble the body just can't store additional B12 and the surplus amounts are just passed through.
However, If you are severely lacking B12 your doctor may give you a series of shots. If you're borderline he may suggest a daily tablet to get you back to normal.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is very commom. And if deficient vitamin b12 tablets help. On the other hand if you want a boost of energy from a vitamin B12 shot... Hype.
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