Go Organic: Survey doesn't show the whole picture
By James AshfordSeptember 14, 2012
A recent survey from Stanford University has looked at the vitamin and mineral content of organic and conventional food.
It has caused a certain amount of hot air and hooey in the media and raises some interesting questions about organic food.
The team of researchers reviewed more than 200 studies that compared either the health of people who ate organic or conventional foods or the nutrient and contaminant levels in the foods themselves.
The survey found that there was no significant difference in the vitamin and mineral levels in organic and conventional food. And that has led to a lot of headlines suggesting that the organic bubble has burst and that consumers have somehow been short-changed by the organic movement. Which is all a bit disappointing to those of us who advocate organic. But not because of the research. Iâm frankly amazed that anyone ever thought that organic food should contain more vitamins and minerals. Why on earth would it?
And Iâm disappointed by the narrow focus on the idea that organic food is simply about the benefits to the individual consumer.
I try to grow and eat organic food not because it is better for me but because it is better for the environment, better for wildlife and better for the animals reared on organic farms. Gardening and farming organically is first and foremost about sustainability. About husbanding resources in a renewable way and about selling into local markets. It is about creating long-term solutions and not short-term quick-fixes.
Conventional farming floats on a sea of oil, whether that is for manufacturing synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, or for transporting food vast distances. And at some point the oil is going to run short.
I wouldnât even try to claim that organic food tastes better. Taste is far too subjective to be measured properly. What I do know is that vegetables generally taste better when they are really fresh and that animals generally taste better when they have been reared in decent conditions and at a natural speed. And you are much more likely to find these qualities in organically produced food.
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