Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Content from Liquid Health Healthy kids and vitamins I think
it’s safe to say we all want to raise *healthy kids*. I talked about ways
to do that a few months back including eating healthy, being active and
taking vitamins. And while I still believe these are all important aspects to
living a healthy life, today I want to focus on that last suggestion. A study
done in Jan 2012 was looking to see if “children use supplements to fill
gaps in nutritionally inadequate diets or whether supplements contribute to
already adequate or excessive micronutrient intakes from foods.” The part
of the study that I found most interesting was that 21% of children under the
age of 2 were using supplements, while 42% of children between the ages of
2-8 were also using them. So based on those numbers it seems to me that we,
as parents, as trying to do all we can to ensure we’re raising /healthy
kids/. We understand that our kids need to be getting certain vitamins,
minerals and nutrients to be healthy and grow properly, so we’re giving
them vitamins in the hopes that they are getting everything they need.
However, based on my reading of this study, there’s more to fixing the
problem than just a generic, same for everyone, multivitamin. So the study
found that even the kids who were taking vitamins were still low on their
Calcium and Vitamin D levels. The study also found that levels of some things
were too high, such as iron, zinc, copper, selenium, folic acid, and vitamins
A and C. This means that, for the most part, a standard multivitamin added to
our kids’ diets doesn’t provide the correct balance of what they need.
This is why it’s important to be actively aware of what’s going on with
your kids. What are they eating? How do they spend their time? How are they
feeling? These are all important aspects in the lives of healthy kids [1].
Now let me be clear, I am not saying we shouldn’t give out kids
multivitamins! They definitely have their place! I just think it’s
important to know what you are giving your kids. Read the label and pay
attention to what they are eating, and then consider the levels of vitamins
between the two. If your kid is a great eater, getting lots of fruits,
vegetables and other healthy, good stuff, they may not need a full
multivitamin. You may want to consider some individual supplements for your
healthy kids, such as Vitamin D, Calcium, or whatever else they may be
lacking. When in doubt, work with your kids’ doctor to make sure you’re
making the best decisions for your kids and their health.

[1] Healthy kids and vitamins I think it’s safe to say we all want to raise *healthy kids*. I talked about ways to do that a few months back including eating healthy, being active and taking vitamins. And while I still believe these are all important aspects to li ...

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