Monday, July 2, 2012

New Content from Liquid Health Spotlight: Raspberry Ketone I can't
seem to go anywhere on the web without reading or seeing something about
*Raspberry Ketones*. Using a great combination of ingredients for optimal
weight loss success, Liquid Health recently released our own Raspberry Ketone
supplement. Liquid Health Raspberry Ketones [1] helps to raise your resting
metabolic rate, which means you are burning more calories throughout the day.
*L-Carnitine USP* – A 2011 study published on US National Library of
Medicine National Institutes of Health states /“The Carnitine group
increased work output 11% from baseline in the performance trial, while
Control showed no change.”/ Meaning that adding l-carnitine to your
exercise routine could help increase your work output, meaning more calories
burned. *Raspberry Ketone* – A 2005 study that looked at the effects of
raspberry ketones on rats fed high fat diets found that raspberry ketones
/“prevented the high-fat-diet-induced elevations in body weight and the
weights of the liver and visceral adipose tissues”/ and concluded that
raspberry ketones /“prevents and improves obesity and fatty liver.”/
*Green tea leaf extract (Camellia sinesis) (50% EGCG) (decaffeinated)* -
Abdul G. Dulloo, a researcher at the University of Geneva, Switzerland said
of a study on the effects of green tea on weight loss: /"Green tea has
thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by
its caffeine content per se.”/ According to, thermogenesis can be
defined as /“the calories the body burns while digesting and absorbing food
as it's being eaten.”/ *Stevia leaf extract* – says, /“stevia
is used as a non-caloric sweetener and flavor enhancer.”/

[1] Spotlight: Raspberry Ketone I can't seem to go anywhere on the web without reading or seeing something about *Raspberry Ketones*. Using a great combination of ingredients for optimal weight loss success, Liquid Health recently released our own Raspberry Ketone ...

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