Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Should you feed a cold and starve a fever? 5 nutrition myths busted - handbag.com

Vitamin and mineral brand Centrum have looked into national attitudes to diet and nutrition, and the results are pretty shocking.

Only 29% of Brits think they have enough nutritional know-how to make sensible choices, while the majority of men think healthy items like salad and yoghurt are inherently 'female choices' that they don't want to eat.

To dispel all those pesky nutrition myths, we asked the experts to give us the facts.

Take a look a part one of our 'Nutrition Myths Busted' series below and let us know what you think...

Eating carrots will help you see better

Reality: This tale may have started during WW2 when British Intelligence spread a rumour that their pilots had remarkable night vision because they ate lots of carrots - they didn't want the Germans to know they were using radar. Carrots and many other orange vegetables contain a phytochemical called Beta-Carotene which is converted into vitamin A. This is imp ortant for healthy eyes but eating more that the recommended daily allowance won't improve vision.

Brown eggs are more nutritious than white

Reality: The colour of the shell has nothing to do with the egg's quality, flavour or nutritional value. The colour of the shell is determined by the breed of the hen.

You should feed a cold, starve a fever

Reality: There's no evidence to suggest that either will help you get better quicker â€" the best advice is to be guided by your appetite. The one thing that you must do if you have a fever is increase your fluid intake as there's a risk you'll become dehydrated (from sweating).

Cutting out bread, pasta and potatoes is the best way to lose weight

Reality: Some people think carbohydrates like bread and potatoes are fattening but gram for gram they contain fewer than half the calories of fat. Low carb diets are no more like ly to help you lose weight than a regular calorie controlled diet.

Bread, rice and pasta are an important part of a healthy balanced diet and provide several important vitamin and minerals including B group vitamins along with dietary fibre.

Spinach is rich in iron

Reality: Although spinach is indeed rich in iron it also contains a substance called phytic acid which binds to the iron making it difficult for the body to absorb. Spinach is however a good source of several other vitamins and minerals especially calcium, magnesium and folic acid.

Centrum for Men and Centrum for Women, £6.99, centrum.co.uk.

What do you think?




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