Considering a Sublingual Vitamin D
Supplement? Moving along the alphabet of vitamins, this week I’ll be
talking about Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a very popular and very important
vitamin. This vitamin is essential to our ability to absorb and use calcium,
which is necessary for maintaining bone health. Aside from its relationship
with calcium, according to The Office of Dietary Supplements, “Vitamin D
has other roles in the body, including modulation of cell growth,
neuromuscular and immune function, and reduction of inflammation.” This fat
soluble vitamin is not found, naturally, in very many foods. A few food
sources for Vitamin D include fatty fish and fish oils, cheese and egg yolks.
There are also a number of foods that are fortified with Vitamin D, such as
milk, cereals, yogurt and orange juice. Additionally there are lots of
Vitamin D supplements available, ranging from tablets to sublingual Vitamin D
[1]. Another way we can get Vitamin D is from exposure to the sun “when
ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D
synthesis” according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. The Food and
Nutrition Board (FNB) at the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
recommends 600IU of Vitamin D for individuals 1-70 years old. Individuals
over 70 years old are recommended to get 800IU of Vitamin D daily. Most
people can’t get this entire amount from their diets alone so taking a
supplemental and preferably sublingual Vitamin D [2] is not uncommon. Even
with supplementation, there are still groups who are at risk for being
vitamin D deficient. The Office of Dietary Supplements identifies these
groups as breastfed babies, older adults, people with limited exposure to the
sun, people with dark skin, those who are obese, have undergone gastric
bypass surgery or suffer from fat malabsorption. Vitamin D deficiency can
lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia and adults. According to a study
published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism March 1, 2011
vol. 96 no. 3: “D3 should be the preferred treatment option when correcting
vitamin D deficiency.” Liquid Health offers a sublingual Vitamin D3 [3]
called Vitamin D3 drops. This product contains 5000IU of Vitamin D3
(Cholecalciferol) per serving and comes in a convenient dropper bottle.
Liquid Health D3 drops can easily be added to a cold drink and are ideal for
children and those who cant swallow pills. As with any supplement, be sure to
check with your doctor before taking additional Vitamin D. Image found here
[4] [1]
[4] Considering a Sublingual Vitamin D Supplement? Moving along the alphabet of vitamins, this week I’ll be talking about Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a very popular and very important vitamin. This vitamin is essential to our ability to absorb and use calcium, which i ...
Supplement? Moving along the alphabet of vitamins, this week I’ll be
talking about Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a very popular and very important
vitamin. This vitamin is essential to our ability to absorb and use calcium,
which is necessary for maintaining bone health. Aside from its relationship
with calcium, according to The Office of Dietary Supplements, “Vitamin D
has other roles in the body, including modulation of cell growth,
neuromuscular and immune function, and reduction of inflammation.” This fat
soluble vitamin is not found, naturally, in very many foods. A few food
sources for Vitamin D include fatty fish and fish oils, cheese and egg yolks.
There are also a number of foods that are fortified with Vitamin D, such as
milk, cereals, yogurt and orange juice. Additionally there are lots of
Vitamin D supplements available, ranging from tablets to sublingual Vitamin D
[1]. Another way we can get Vitamin D is from exposure to the sun “when
ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D
synthesis” according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. The Food and
Nutrition Board (FNB) at the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
recommends 600IU of Vitamin D for individuals 1-70 years old. Individuals
over 70 years old are recommended to get 800IU of Vitamin D daily. Most
people can’t get this entire amount from their diets alone so taking a
supplemental and preferably sublingual Vitamin D [2] is not uncommon. Even
with supplementation, there are still groups who are at risk for being
vitamin D deficient. The Office of Dietary Supplements identifies these
groups as breastfed babies, older adults, people with limited exposure to the
sun, people with dark skin, those who are obese, have undergone gastric
bypass surgery or suffer from fat malabsorption. Vitamin D deficiency can
lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia and adults. According to a study
published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism March 1, 2011
vol. 96 no. 3: “D3 should be the preferred treatment option when correcting
vitamin D deficiency.” Liquid Health offers a sublingual Vitamin D3 [3]
called Vitamin D3 drops. This product contains 5000IU of Vitamin D3
(Cholecalciferol) per serving and comes in a convenient dropper bottle.
Liquid Health D3 drops can easily be added to a cold drink and are ideal for
children and those who cant swallow pills. As with any supplement, be sure to
check with your doctor before taking additional Vitamin D. Image found here
[4] [1]
[4] Considering a Sublingual Vitamin D Supplement? Moving along the alphabet of vitamins, this week I’ll be talking about Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a very popular and very important vitamin. This vitamin is essential to our ability to absorb and use calcium, which i ...
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