Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Content from Liquid Health Are we the only ones who need
vitamins? I’ve spent a lot of time talking about vitamins and healthy
lifestyle choices for people on this website, now I’d like to turn some
attention to the four legged friends in our lives! In this article I’m
going to talk about *vitamins for dogs*, are they necessary, which should you
consider and how to administer them. According to Drs Foster and Smith (on
their website /“Vitamins are necessary for literally
tens of thousands of different chemical reactions in the body. They often
work in conjunction with minerals and enzymes to assure normal digestion,
reproduction, muscle and bone growth and function, healthy skin and hair,
clotting of blood, and the use of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates by the
body.”/ – So wouldn’t it stand to reason that if we need these things,
so do our pets? I mean, they have chemical reactions and bone growth too,
right? Now something to consider when talking about vitamins for dogs, is a
lot of dog food on the market today have vitamins and minerals added to it.
So, if your dog is strictly eating enriched dog food, a multivitamin may not
be totally necessary. However, if your dog eats lots of raw foods or even
homemade dog food, you may want to consider adding a multivitamin [1] to
their diet. When it comes to choosing vitamins for dogs, you should be as
careful as you would be for yourself. suggests a few guidelines
when shopping for a vitamin supplement: *1.)* Read labels. Know the name of
the ingredient you’re looking for, so you won’t be deceived by
sound-alikes. *2.)* Look for a lot number on the product, a sign that the
company has set up quality control checks. *3.)* Know the seller. Cooperman
says has found fewer problems with supplements sold at
vet’s offices, although they do occur. *4.)* Look for certification from an
organization that has independently verified a supplement’s contents. *5.)*
Be cautious about giving human supplements to dogs. Some products, such as
garlic, can be dangerous for dogs. Also consider whether your dog needs
everything that’s contained in a multivitamin, or just a few of its
ingredients. There’s always a chance of overdose when it comes to vitamins
(especially fat soluble ones) so be careful and check the amounts in each
dose before administering to your pup! As for ways to administer vitamins for
dogs there are a few options, I’ve found pills, powders and liquids [2].
Since I don’t have a dog myself, I can only assume that you’d give them a
pill the same way you’d give them a treat and just hope they eat it all and
powders are probably sprinkled on their food. With liquids I think you can do
it syringe style (like giving a baby medicine) or mix it with their food or
water, you just have to make sure they eat it all to get the entire dose. It
may be hard to decide between these choices, it may come down to price or
convenience for you. If you want a little help knowing which will be best for
your dog, I would remind you of my article on sublingual vitamins [3] a
couple of months ago. Vitamins in a sublingual spray or liquid form have been
proven to absorb into the body much faster than other forms. It can be hard
knowing what the best thing to do is, especially since our dogs can’t
always tell us what they think or need. Be safe and smart when deciding if
you want to add any vitamins for dogs to your pup’s routine. If you’re
ever in doubt, about any of this, always talk with your dog’s vet before
starting or adding something new. **

[3] Are we the only ones who need vitamins? I’ve spent a lot of time talking about vitamins and healthy lifestyle choices for people on this website, now I’d like to turn some attention to the four legged friends in our lives! In this article I’m going to talk abou ...

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