Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why are liquid vitamins better than pills?

Why are liquid vitamins better than pills?

So what do you think? I think that they are because...they are! Think about it. When does your body begin to digest something? Your body begins to digest something the moment that your saliva and teeth begin to break it down. What if the breaking down was already done for you? Is it easier for your body to begin to digest and use something that has a coating or no coating? Is it easier to absorb or digest something that is freely floating or is it easier to digest something that is compact or is surrounded by a gelatin shell? I think that we would all agree, the Pope is Catholic, the sky is blue, bear's poop in the woods and liquids are easier to absorb and digest than pills or tablets.

So I stand my ground on the fact that liquid vitamins are better than pills. The end. I like blogging.

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